Our company

Lihue and Tue in the native language mean Life and Land.

When, in 2001, we created our company, we choose these words that will always remind us of our roots and commitments to the highest values.

Lihue Tue is born as a continuation of farming family companies involved in agriculture for three generations, its goal is to use this long experience in growing and processing speciality grains and seeds to better serve export markets.

The strong commitment with the soil and agricultural production, together with our people and their values, are the most important assets of our young company, and the extra value of the products that we sell. 

Lihue Tue, Earth and Life, always remind us of this heritage and tradition, while we work to give the best products to our clients all over the world.


Our work team has long experience in each of their fields which put together provide the best response for satisfying the needs of our customers and suppliers assure swift and professional response to their needs.

Argentina office

Te.: +54 2477 434346
Fax: +54 2477 434346

Moreno 772
(2700) Pergamino
Buenos Aires

Venezuela office

Te.: +58 2127 936603

Av. Las Acacias con Gran Avenida
Torre Lincol  - Piso 2
Oficina: G. Sabana Grande

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